"Surreal Visionaries"

Surrealist Michael Cheval

The Roger Yost Gallery will introduce an exhibit of surreal and fantasy art in mid-February featuring the work of internationally acclaimed artists, Michael Cheval and Jim Warren.

Russian-born Cheval, who resides in New Jersey, says his paintings present “an inverted side of reality.” “His work is often metaphorical and requires a sharp eye to decipher often hidden illusions,” said gallery curator Rebecca Maitland. “In a tribute to John Lennon called ‘Imagine,’ one can observe elements of Beatles’ lyrics and song titles.”

Artist Jim Warren
Jim Warren

Jim Warren, who lives in Clearwater, Fl, has had his work featured on hundreds of posters, books and record album covers in a 40-year career. The Yost Gallery will feature his some of his personally embellished limited edition prints, including his latest surreal painting of the late Steve Jobs.