Giordano Giovanetti Biography
1906 - 1973, Italy

Giordano Giovanetti (1906-1973) was a 1925 graduate of the Rome Academy of Art, where he studied under renowned painters De Carolis, Costantini and Vagnetti.

The artist opened a studio in Paris two years later with Carlo Carcher, son of the famous painter Giuseppe Cherubini. From France he moved to Austria, then to Hungary and Poland. After that, he returned to Italy and settled in Abruzzi, where he held his first exhibition in 1931.

He later roamed through Romania painting portraits, landscapes and making decorations at the Monastery of Sibiu until 1935. The Ethiopian war brought him back to Italy, where he succeeded in becoming an illustrator of books, creating 368 drawings for Mondadori's novel collection, "Romanzi della Palma."

By 1946, Giovanetti organized an extremely successful personal exhibition in Rome. In 1950 and 1951, he participated in the "Premio Michelli" and the "Premio Roma."

Giovanetti was also attracted by the Venetians and by Velasquez, which may account for the warm colors of and golden tones in his works. The masterpieces of Watteau and Corot soon drew him to freer and delicate harmonies.

The Roger Yost Gallery added this remarkable artist to its “Museum Collection” in 2015.